Denmark has 406 islands and a coastline of 7314 kilometres. Out of the 406 islands, only 70 are inhabited. The capital of Denmark, Copenhagen, is situated on the largest island named Zealand.

Denmark has 406 islands and a coastline of 7314 kilometres. Out of the 406 islands, only 70 are inhabited. The capital of Denmark, Copenhagen, is situated on the largest island named Zealand.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio is not only the first Latin American Pope but also the first Jesuit to inherit the pointy hat. He picked the papal name ‘Francis’ after playboy-turned-priest Saint Francis of Assisi.
Saddam Hussein was arrested on 13 December, 2003, as an outcome of an American military operation: Operation Red Dawn. Basically three things were found with him when he was arrested – US $75,000 in cash, a pistol and an AK-47 assault rifle and a packet of Café Pelé (a coffee branded after footballer Pelé).
Austrian botanist Gregor Johann Mendel, known for his heredity theory, was an Augustinian monk who began his experiments in his monastery’s garden. Gregor Mendel is known as the father of genetics. He gave the basic principles of genetics. Working in his garden, on peas, he elucidated the principles of heredity.
One cannot find the name Silicon Valley on any map. The southern portion of the San Francisco Bay area is nicknamed as Silicon Valley. It is the region between Palo Alto and San Jose in California where silicon chip computer technology was pioneered.
Canada has more inland waters and lakes than any other country in the world. It has 31 lakes covering more than 1,300 square kilometres (500 square miles) in area. The largest among these lakes are Great Bear, Great Slave, Dubawnt and Baker. St. Lawrence, Ottawa and Saguenay are some of the great rivers of Canada.