The United Nations General Assembly designated 22 March of each year as the World Water Day. It is held annually to focus attention on the importance of freshwater and advocate for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.

The United Nations General Assembly designated 22 March of each year as the World Water Day. It is held annually to focus attention on the importance of freshwater and advocate for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.
Located on the Alaskan island of Unimak, Mount Shishaldin is the highest mountain in the Aleutian Islands. The snow clad mountain was formed 10,000 years ago after a volcanic eruption. It is conical in shape, which is more symmetric than Mount Fuji of Japan.
The e-mail predates the Internet or the World Wide Web by more than a decade. The e-mail originated in the research labs of the United States Defence Labs in the late 1960s, in the ARPANET project. It was used as a note or a file that was transferred from one user’s folder to another user’s …
Cloud forests are usually found in the tropical or subtropical regions such as South Africa, Indonesia and South America. They are also found in temperate regions such as Japan and Pakistan. The clouds cover up to the middle level of these forests and persist there. The forests are dark due to low infiltration of light …
The black ironwood is the wood from the tree Olealaurifolia found in the forests of the South Africa. It is the world’s densest wood with a specific gravity of 1.49. It is also one of the heaviest woods with a weight of 452 kg per square metre. Owing to its specific gravity being higher than water, it sinks …
The root of the word ‘engineer’ lies in the Latin word ingenium, meaning ‘innate quality of mental power’ or cleverness. In olden days, the engineers were required to be extremely skilful and inventive as they devised various levers, pulleys and other machines that helped in the civil and military development of any society. Engineer, as a verb, …