Marion Jones was the first woman to win five track and field medals at a single Olympic Games in Sydney (2000). After years of denial, she was compelled to confess of being a drug cheat and was jailed for lying to the investigators.

Marion Jones was the first woman to win five track and field medals at a single Olympic Games in Sydney (2000). After years of denial, she was compelled to confess of being a drug cheat and was jailed for lying to the investigators.
Charles Wicksteed was an engineer by trade. He initially made swings and slides for his park, then went on to sell them around the world. In 1926, he made the first modern swing and installed it in a park in Kettering. This is a 12 feet high swing which was painted green with a wooden …
The theory of evolution states that species evolved as a result of natural selection, and could adapt to harsh conditions. This theory was put forth simultaneously by the two English naturalists Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace.
The term ‘Gross National Happiness’ was coined by King Jigme Singye Wangchuk. Bhutan is based on Buddhist spiritual values. The country’s progress is measured holistically by indicators of individual wellness in the areas of economic, environmental, physical, mental, workplace, social and political spheres.
The Akashi Kaikyō bridge links the island of Honshu to Awaji island. It has a central span length of 1991 metres, the longest span of any bridge on earth. There are other two spans or sections, each measuring 960 metres or 3,150 feet. The bridge has a total length of 3,911 metres or 12,831 feet. …
There is no traffic light in Bhutan. The traffic in Bhutan is controlled by the traffic police. The only traffic light was removed by the King many years ago.