Tea as currency

Tea bricks are made by compressing tea leaves of the black tea, ground tea or fermented variety. Because of its high value, tea bricks were used as currency in the late 19th and the 20th century in China and Tibet. Special tea bricks were made with ground tea leaves that were bound with flour or …

Who is the only person to have been awarded two unshared Nobel Prizes?

Linus Pauling was a chemist who contributed immensely to the knowledge of chemistry and biological molecules. For his research on the chemical bonds and their application to find out the structure of complex molecules, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1954. Since 1946, Pauling had ceaselessly championed against the nuclear tests and all forms …

Newton on the note

From 1978–1988, an image of Isaac Newton designed by Harry Eccleston appeared on Series D £1 banknotes issued by the Bank of England. Newton was shown on the reverse of the notes holding a book and along with that a telescope, a model of the solar system and a prism were also seen.