Dharamshala is Himachal Pradesh’s winter capital from 25 December to 15 February. The village of McLeod Ganj of the Dharamshala Municipality is the home to the Dalai Lama. Dharamshala houses the Central Tibetan Administration and the exiled Tibetan government.
The many gates of the city of Delhi
The gates of the walled city of Delhi were built by different rulers at different times. Delhi is an aggregate of nine cities. In the seventh city built by Shah Jahan, there were 14 gates. However, there are only five gates that are standing today. These are Ajmeri Gate facing Ajmer in Rajasthan; Lahori Gate …
Gandhiji’s symbols of devotion, simplicity and strength
Before the beginning of the Dandi March on 12 March, 1930, Kasturba Gandhi, the wife of Gandhiji and Ba to millions of her children, applied the benedictory tilak on Gandhiji’s forehead. She garlanded him with khadi and handed him the stick. Tilak, khadi and the stick were respectively the symbols of devotion, simplicity and strength.
Tagore the painter
Tagore started painting in 1924, at the age of 63. He was surrounded by exponents of visual arts, and so he always wanted to be a painter. The doodles in his various manuscripts and corrections made in an artistic way bear testimony to his intention and efforts. His first exhibition of paintings in Paris was …
Which country is the largest producer of bananas in the world?
Bananas are eaten both raw (ripe) and cooked. They are a rich source of many vitamins and potassium. India is the leading producer of bananas with an annual output of about 16.8 metric tonnes. This means about 23 per cent of the world’s total production happens in India.
India – the birthplace of chess
The original word for chess is the Sanskrit chaturanga, meaning four members of an army, which were most likely elephants, horses, chariots and foot soldiers. According to a German Indologist researching on the origin of chess, in the 6th century, the Maukhari rulers of Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh, used to play chaturanga with 16 cabinet terracotta before venturing …