Human beings have over 600 separate muscles in the body. Tendons connect bones to the muscles. There are three types of muscles, skeletal, smooth and cardiac. Muscles enable movement. We use 43 muscles to frown, 17 muscles to smile, and 54 muscles every time we step forward.
How long do eyelashes live?
An eyelash lives for about 5 months. Eyelashes protect the eyes from dust and debris. It is also sensitive to touch, heat and cold, and so serves as a messenger to stimuli.
Which is the light sensitive region of the human eye?
There are over 100 million light-sensitive cells in the retina. The retina is the light-sensitive region of the eye.
Function of blood cells – 15 million restored every second
Blood cells are of two types – red and white. The red blood cells transport gases; these carry oxygen from the lungs to the different parts of the body and return the carbon dioxide from the different parts to the lungs. The white blood cells are involved in maintaining the immunity of the body. In …
How many sweat glands does our skin have?
Sweat glands are small tubular glands found just under the skin. These glands produce sweat for cooling the body. One square centimetre of human skin contains about 100 sweat glands, although the number of sweat gland varies from person to person.
How long does it take for a typical person to fall asleep?
Research has shown that the average sleeper takes about 7 minutes to fall asleep. You may fall asleep sooner or take longer.