The root of the word ‘engineer’ lies in the Latin word ingenium, meaning ‘innate quality of mental power’ or ‘cleverness’. In olden days, the engineers were required to be extremely skilful and inventive as they devised various levers, pulleys and other machines that helped in the civil and military development of any society. Engineer, as a verb, means …
What does the word ‘robot’ mean?
A robot is a machine that sometimes resembles humans and carries out routine mechanical tasks on command with human-like skill. The word robot has its origins in the Czech word robotnik, which means ‘a serf’ or ‘a slave’. Robots are used mainly in factories and in those activities which a human might find difficult to handle, such …
Edison’s dream of a world of concrete
Thomas Edison is known for his discoveries of several devices like the light bulb and the phonograph. What is not so well known is that he once owned the largest cement plant in the world. It is said that he dreamt of a future in which millions of Americans would not only live in concrete …
Which is the most used man-made material in the world?
Concrete is a man-made material and is mostly an aggregate of cement, fly ash, slag cement, limestone, sand, chemical admixtures and water. It is the most used man-made material in the world today.
Exciting features of James Webb Space Telescope
The James Webb Space telescope is a space telescope scheduled to be launched this decade. It has been designed to study the first formed galaxies. It would be able to see objects lying up to 1.5 × 106 km away from the earth. A sun shield will protect the telescope from the heat of the …
Deep Blue, IBM’s supercomputer, versus Garry Kasparov
Deep Blue is a computer designed by the International Business Machines Corporation (IBM). It was programmed to play chess. Deep Blue’s chess playing program is written in C and runs under AIX operating system. It is capable of evaluating 100 million positions per second. In 1996, it was defeated by Garry Kasparov, and in 1997 …