Admiral Grace Murray Hopper was the first US navy officer and a computer scientist. She realized that with an easy programming language it would be easy for users who were neither mathematicians nor computer experts. This conviction led her to invent a popular programming language COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language), which is used in business and finance.
What came first: the e-mail or the World Wide Web?
The e-mail predates the Internet or the World Wide Web by more than a decade. The e-mail originated in the research labs of the United States Defence Labs in the late 1960s, in the ARPANET project. It was used as a note or a file that was transferred from one user’s folder to another user’s …
How old is the QWERTY keyboard sequence?
The QWERTY keyboard derives its name from the sequence of letters in the first row of the keyboard. It was invented by the American Christopher Latham Sholes in 1873, who had built the first typewriter and included this sequence of letters on the keyboard. The sequence is about 148 years old.
Who invented the computer mouse?
Douglas Carl Engelbart is an American inventor whose work mostly focused on human-computer interaction. He invented the computer mouse in the late 1960s. He received the patent in 1970. The mouse was made of a wooden shell with two wheels. He never received any royalty for his invention.
ICT savvy people are popping smart pills
The new miracle pill is a tiny swallowable capsule that contains a minute chip, which transmits an individual’s personal details. Such an electronic device will be able to read the unique signal, which shall end the need for passwords and paper forms of ID, such as passports. It will also allow users to be free …
The word ‘modem’ is a contraction
A modem is a device that enables a computer to transmit data over telephone or cable lines. The word modem is actually a contraction of the words modulator and demodulator (MOdulator/DEModulator).