Archaeologists have found evidence that Scotland’s prehistoric hunter-gatherers or tribes built a giant ‘year-clock’ capable of tracking the passing of lunar months. No wonder, the British are known for their punctuality.
The mystery whirling the invention of wheels
The introduction of wheel is a landmark in the process of human civilization. The wheel came into use simultaneously in Mesopotamia, Central Europe and India, and so which culture actually invented it remains a mystery. The wheeled vehicles have been discovered dating back to the 4th century BC.
Tracking the origin of the human race
Scientists believe that humans originated about 200,000 years ago in the Middle Paleolithic period in southern Africa. One of the oldest human settlements dating back to 160,000 years ago has been found at Middle Awash in Ethiopia. About 70,000 years ago, humans migrated out of Africa. They spread to Eurasia and Oceania 40,000 years ago, …
Invention of zero
Zero was invented by the Indian mathematician Aryabhata around 499 AD. The concept of zero first appeared in India around 458 AD. Zero was denoted by the word shunya, or void. In 628 AD, Brahmagupta gave the rules of computing with zero.
Florence Nightingale’s friend – Athena
Florence Nightingale is renowned for introducing nursing. She was a health reformer. Her studies showed that the vast majority of British soldiers in the Crimean War died due to disease and poor hygiene, not enemy bullets. She once rescued a baby owl and named it Athena. She used to carry it in her pocket wherever …
What are Pan Am Games?
The Pan American Games (also known colloquially as the Pan Am Games) constitute a major event in the Americas featuring summer and formerly winter sports, in which thousands of athletes participate in a variety of competitions. It is held at a gap of every four years in the year before the summer Olympic Games. There …