An Independent Government in Tamluk, West Bengal

During the Quit India Movement, a parallel government was established in Tamluk, West Bengal, called the Tamralipta Jatiya Sarkar, an independent government. The Tamralipta Jatiya Sarkar was really active since it set up Police Stations, Military Departments, Courts and even a system for revenue collection. The Government functioned from December 17, 1942 to August 8, 1944. It was dissolved …

Bye Bye Telegram

In India, after 160 years of the service, the telegram bid farewell on the 15th July, 2013. The origins of the telegram can be traced back to the smoke signals sent out and the light from the lighthouses for help during times of crisis. In 1793 a Frenchman named Claude Chappe devised a system using …