Tagore’s pseudonym and his writings

All his songs written in Brajabuli, the language of Brajobhumi, like Sawano Gagane Ghor Ghanoghata, Gahana Kusuma Kunja Majhe were all written under the pseudonym Bhanusingho. These have been compiled under the title Bhanusingho Thakurer Padabali, that is, the ‘Songs of Bhanusingho Thakur’. It is a collection of Vaishnava lyrics composed by Rabindranath Tagore.

Tagore the painter

Tagore started painting in 1924, at the age of 63. He was surrounded by exponents of visual arts, and so he always wanted to be a painter. The doodles in his various manuscripts and corrections made in an artistic way bear testimony to his intention and efforts. His first exhibition of paintings in Paris was …

Nobel Prize in Literature: The firsts

The Nobel Prize is one of the most prestigious awards at the international level. The award honours academic, cultural and/or scientific advances. Literature was one of the five categories established according to the will of Alfred Nobel, the Swedish polymath, in 1895. The other four categories were physics, chemistry, peace and medicine. The first in the world to receive the …